The black well

  This was my first visit inside Shambala. I had admired this place from the outside on several occasions when it materialized in my meditations. I always saw it as a place full of light, with most of its buildings shaped like domes and with a mysterious atmosphere.

  The day before, when I reached the gate, I met a guardian who asked me many questions about my motives for wishing to receive teaching in the Kingdom of Shambala.
By the grace of God I passed the control, obtained permission and here I am… arriving for my first day of school.

  I took the white path, slowly sensing that I was getting closer as my energy resonated more quickly. I felt a little nervous, because I don’t like getting into astral problems, but I had absolute confidence in my guide Joël. I reached Shambala, I looked around me; it was full of white buildings, mostly the colour of sand and lime. Everything I could see had a brilliance like sunshine on a winter’s morning...

  I was waiting because I didn’t know what was going to happen or what I was supposed to do...
the place was empty; there wasn’t a soul to be seen. Then in the distance I saw something like a light coming slowly towards me. When it came up to me, I realized that it wasn’t a human being like us, it was being that was made up of a shining white cloud, and within the cloud there were little stars that were twinkling continuously... like sunshine on virgin snow.

  I just gaped at her amazed; she was a mature woman, taller than me, with an intense presence. Her hair was combed backwards, just like my grandmother used to wear it when she fastened it with a comb. She had an open smile and she welcomed me and introduced herself as Ananda… she said she would be my guide in Shambala and without another word, she began walking towards the interior of the Place. We reached an oval building and crossed the threshold.

  Inside there was no furniture, no people, it was completely empty. Ananda walked towards the centre of the hall… and then I realized that in the middle, in the floor there was a kind of well full of black water, which reflected the space around it like a mirror.

  The two of us just looked at the black well, and I suddenly started to feel terribly anxious and afraid. Ananda turned her face towards me and in order to calm me down, she told me that I was a vision, and she passed her hands over my body, creating a protection which she called “the rainbow”, which was like an aura of many colours.

  We looked once again at the well, and I became a little more relaxed. Then my attention was drawn to the sound of splashing… shapes could be seen moving within the black liquid, as if we were watching a hole in the ice in Alaska and could see seals passing by. Suddenly, the top half of a human body, transparent, dark, shining, erupted noisily from the liquid with its arms raised, and then as fast as it had appeared, it dived back into the well and vanished…

  The room returned to silence, my body felt great anxiety and I turned to Ananda to try and understand what was happening...

  Ananda said: - Don’t think, don’t think… just watch.

  I turned to face the hole and Ananda told me: - During your stay on Planet Earth, you have been many different people, many lives and situations. This is the Well of Reincarnations and everything you have ever been lives within it. In its depths and in its secrets...

  All at once, people started to emerge from the water; some were women, others men. There were also children and old people. They all gathered in a circle around the well and looked into it, and then Ananda told me to join them…

  Very cautiously I went forward and placed myself between two of my lives. Then some of us held hands, others put their hands on shoulders and we started to dissolve. My body merged with the two that had been on either side of me. This mixing together generated strange noises and abstract figures that moved as if they had lives of their own... In this way we became one single mass, in the shape of a watery ring…

  The ring started to contract and become smaller, until it was small enough to jump inside the well and disappear within. From that moment on I remember nothing, only an immense silence that was dark and eternal… and I suddenly felt alive again and I saw light above me… I swam upwards! And I emerged from the well again, but now as one sole being, complete, totally soaked through and confused…

  I didn’t know what to think, I felt afraid and I really wasn’t sure that I had liked what had just happened to me much… I moved towards Ananda, I was upset, and when I came up to her, I found her lit up by a beautiful smile. She looked at me as a mother would on seeing her newly born son and she embraced me and congratulated me on a job well done.

  At that moment I felt good, I lost my fear and I realized the importance of what had just happened to me. I was able to understand and assimilate that all my lives were one and that, in the end, we are all one…

  Then Ananda told me that I had to leave, that my stays in Shambala would be short ones for the moment, and she accompanied me to the path and I went back home, confused but satisfied and happy with my new path on Earth...