
 Hello! , My name is Nyako Nakar and I am coming from a possible future…

  I was born on 11 April 1956. I am an indigo, aware since my childhood. Because of growing up in Spain under the dictatorship of Franco and the Catholic Church, I had a difficult childhood, (like many indigo children), but now, after a lot of personal work and healing, I am feeling much fresh, relax and with more peace…

  In my youth I expressed my art with a paintbrush and in the theatre. I produce various exhibitions and theatre plays. I also worked as an actor under the direction of Lindsay Kemp about six years. Always inwardly aware of the spiritual path. For some years now I have also been using computers as a tool for creative expression... 

We are all one

   I have studied with the Lamas of Tibet, Sufi Masters, American and Mexican Indians and the Maoris of New Zealand...

  At this moment I am practicing the technique of Kriya Yoga with the Master Paramahansa Prajnananda and the Mer-Ka-Ba from Drunvalo Melchizedek…

  My terrestrial maestros have also been dolphins, the wind, animals, the trees and solitude and above all suffering...

  My invisible maestros are Osiris, Melchicedek, Metraton, and the Elohim. There is also Mary Magdalene with the feminine energy of the Earth and the Hathors. The angels and my personal guides in my channelling...

With this web page, my intention is to share a part of me with others in my Creative and Evolutionary work in the planet hearth…



The opening of the door of the heart
Is the immensity of the blue ocean
Infinite, profound and mysterious
Full of life and purity
Submerge yourself in it
And shine with your own light...

Nyako Nakar


Crop Circles
3d animations
animated gif
Frienly Cards